“That’s all from our end, do you have any questions to ask us?”
You will hear this sentence at the end of every interview!
I used to wonder what is the best way to answer this question! I assume even you are thinking about the same. It is quite natural to think that way, it seems like a simple question and some might think to say “NO” abruptly.
If the answer was “NO, " the interviewer must not have asked you! Right?
In this blog, we will delve into “How to ask questions in interview?” and what questions you can ask your hiring manager to create an impression.
Do I need to ask questions in interview?
To showcase your skills and qualifications is not enough in today’s competitive world.
You should always have a magic wand to use! In this case, asking questions at the end of your interview is your magic wand, it will help you stay ahead of your competitors.
Asking questions will not only show your genuine interest in the job but will also help you analyze whether the company values align with your career goals.
Always make it a two-way conversation rather than just sitting there and answering the interviewer. Have at least 4 to 5 questions to ask the hiring manager, it’s always better to clarify your doubts there. Come prepared with the questions, it will make you look more organized and enthusiastic.
Best questions to ask the Hiring Manager or Interviewer
1. Could you describe to me the company’s working culture?
Why you should ask this: This will showcase your interest in the company, also it will help you evaluate whether this company culture will be a good fit for you or not.
2. What are the possible challenges I might face in this role?
Why you should ask this: This question would help you understand the team or department that you will be working with. Also, it will prepare you for challenges and help you identify ways to contribute towards the company’s success.
3. What key metrics will be evaluated on my work?
Why you should ask this: This will help you have clarity on the key performance indicators(KPI) based on which your success will be defined.
4. Could you please explain the company's approach to employee feedback and performance reviews?
Why you should ask this: This will help you understand how the company provides feedback and performance reviews. This information can help you set expectations for the role and you can identify the areas to improve.
5. What are the opportunities that the company provides for training and development for the employees?
Why you should ask this: Enquiring about career development opportunities would showcase your interest in the organization and also will display your dedication to continuous learning and development.
6. Beyond the technical skills, what could be some of the soft skills that would help me perform well?
Why you should ask this: If this part is not discussed in your interview make sure to raise these questions, it will help you understand the type of personality that fits best for the role.
7. What are the future goals of the company?
Why you should ask this: The response by the employer will help you analyze the company’s futuristic approach and also its market position while giving you a general idea about your job security. You may also get a heads-up about the future project of the company.
8. Could you let me know about the new skills that I can learn from this company?
Why you should ask this: The hiring manager appreciates such candidates who want to learn and grow within their company. This will also depict your interest in personal development.
9. What do you enjoy most about working for this company?
Why you should ask this: This will help you connect with the interviewer at a more human level. It will help you analyze if the company is a good fit for you or not.
10. What are the next steps for this interview process?
Why you should ask this: Make sure to ask this at the end of the interview. It’s a reasonable question to make sure you know when you will hear back from them.
Avoid asking these questions in an interview
Here are a few examples of questions that you should avoid asking the interviewer/Hiring Manager.
What is the starting salary for this position?
What does this company do?
When can I take leave for my vacation?
When can I expect to get a promotion?
Are there any paid work policies?
Key Insights
Asking questions will reflect your genuine interest in the job.
It will create an impression and also help you analyze whether you fit in the organization or not.
Avoid asking personal, salary, or benefit-related questions until the hiring manager asks you about your salary expectations.
Make sure to read the room well before asking questions.
All the best for your next job interview. Be confident and dress appropriately. You’ve got this!
In the comments, let me know what questions you have asked your recruiter.